Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Posture while studying

This could come as a surprise for some, but there has been research into what postures are best to study- and no its not sitting on a desk!

What researchers did: They split a class of students into 4 groups & gave then an article to memorise. The 4 groups were further instructed to take as long as they feel to memorise it.
The difference was there posture- they were asked to be either lying down, sitting on a chair, standing on a spot, or walking around in a room with the paper in hand.

Results: No surprise here, the group that was lying down took the longest time & still scored lowest marks.

The standing group did better than the sitting one. But the students who were slowly walking around in the room learnt rapidly & scored highest.

Further more, the 'lying down' group remembered better in a similar posture.

Its a different story, if you are reading a boring book at bedtime to fall asleep. However, if its an important piece of work- get upright & get going- you need it.

So think about it friends, you should decide to be active for each of the 30- 40 minute of each study session in an upright posture. Then take a small break & resume again.

What to do in the break, we shall see in a later post.


  1. i think its very much true.i too do my exams study with walking.

  2. IS there a reference to this study? Thanks.
